Income, age and horizontal competition are important explanatory variables. 另外,收入、年龄、同业竞争,也对持续期有显著影响。
Whether the material controller of the company owns the major business entity outside the listed company and their likelihood of horizontal competition and related transaction; l公司实质控制人是否拥有上市公司之外的重要经营实体,它们发生同业竞争、关联交易的可能性;
The main difficulties faced by Postal Savings Bank in the development are smaller capital, facing serious horizontal competition, and short of earning ability. 资本金较少、面临同业激烈竞争和盈利能力不足是邮政储蓄银行在发展中面对的主要问题。
A Study on the Internal Horizontal Tax Competition 我国地方政府间横向税收竞争问题探析
The old economy theory applies the single-stage model to analyze antitrust, which ignores the interaction between vertical competition and horizontal competition. 以往美国对兼并控制采取一元分析模式,这种分析模式不关注垂直竞争与水平竞争之间的相互影响。
Coordination Strategy Design for Two-level Supply Chain with Retailers 'Horizontal Competition 零售商水平竞争下二层供应链协调策略设计
The influential transnational travel group will enter the Chinese market on a large scale after entering the WTO, the horizontal competition is fiercer, the situation is extremely severe. 入世后实力雄厚的跨国旅游企业集团将大举进入中国市场,同业竞争更趋激烈,形势极其严峻。
Cartel or horizontal restrict competition, refers that two or over two market bodies of the competitive relation jointly perform the restrictive competition in the way of collusion. 卡特尔或横向限制竞争行为,是指两个或者两个以上具有竞争关系的市场主体,通过某种方式合意共同实施的限制竞争的行为。
During the period of corporate restructure, the most important issue is how to deal with the horizontal competition and connected transactions, i.e. avoid horizontal competition and reduce the amounts of connected transactions. 在重组过程中,最重要的是处理好同业竞争和关连交易这两个问题,即避免同业竞争和减少关连交易。
On horizontal yardstick, the relation relies mainly on horizontal competition relation among enterprises, horizontal cooperation is weak, On vertical yardstick, vertical cooperation is comparatively close, but still needs to strengthen. 水平尺度上,企业间关系以水平竞争关系为主,水平合作关系薄弱;垂直尺度上,垂直合作关系较为密切,但是仍待加强;
The realities of information, farmers 'preferences for decisions and horizontal market competition also affected adoption behavior to a certain extent. 信息的真实性、农户的决策偏好以及市场上同类产品的竞争等也对农户技术采用产生一定的影响。
Horizontal Competition and M& A Effects of Two Supply Chains 供应链间的横向竞争与并购效应
According to the agreement with the WTO, the Chinese banking will not be overall opening up to the outside world until 2006. The domestic bank will face fierce horizontal competition. 按照中国加入WTO的约定,2006年中国银行业将全面对外开放,国内银行将面临更为激烈的同业竞争。
For the influence of the marketization of interest rates, the credit and operating of Chinese commercial banks are facing the problem of revaluation of the assets. To solve it, we should strengthen the management of the money supply and rationalize the horizontal competition of finance industry. 由于受利率市场化影响,我国商业银行信贷经营面临资产重新定价的问题,要加强资金头寸管理和利率缺口管理,进一步规范金融同业竞争秩序。
Although a lot of research about horizontal restrictive competition behavior has been carried out in China, there is a clear shortage of research about vertical restrictive competition behavior, and the regulation of competition law in this aspect is almost blank. 目前,我国法学界对横向限制竞争行为研究颇多,但对纵向限制竞争行为的研究则明显不足,我国竞争法对纵向限制竞争行为的规定也几乎是空白。
But the Branch also faces threats and challenges, such as: strict banking supervision, scarcity of credit scale, intensification of horizontal competition, and lack of endogenous growth momentum. 但同样也面临银行业监管严格,信贷规模稀缺,同业竞争加剧,自身内生增长动力不足等威胁和挑战。
In the face of the fierce horizontal competition, the commercial bank has already lost the advantage of interest each other, and the fighting had already turned to non-interest income. 面对日益激烈的同业竞争,商业银行相互之间已失去利息优势,争夺已转向非利息收入一边。
Since tax is generally considered as the price of public goods, horizontal tax competition will inevitably affect the support of local public goods. 省级政府横向税收竞争在我国是一个普遍现象,会给地区经济带来较大的影响,而由于税收被认为是公共品的价格,横向税收竞争必然会影响到地方公共品的供给。
Secondly, this thesis analyzes the production network, which is combined by the relationship of vertical industry chain and the relationship of horizontal competition and cooperation, and social network which is embedded in industry cluster network. 其次,本文分析了纵向产业链关系和横向竞合关系相结合的生产网络,以及内嵌于产业集群的社会关系网络,认为集群的组织结构特征是两者的结合。
The dominate reason for horizontal competition is that the products and services provided by the members at a same tier are substitutable. Enterprises usually take QR strategy, improve service level and implement product different measures to compete at market. 横向竞争的主要原因是同层企业所提供的产品和服务具有一定的可替代性,产品差异化策略是降低横向竞争程度的有效手段。
The fourth part states the horizontal tax competition environment in detail from system environment, institutional environment and law enforcement environment. 第四部分从体制环境、制度环境和执法环境三个方面具体详细阐述了我国横向税收竞争的环境。
Confronting increasingly intensive horizontal competition, domestic and foreign banks have turned their attention to personal financial planning, which is one of the new profit growth points. 而对日益激烈的同业竞争,国内外银行纷纷将注意力转向个人理财业务,这一银行新的利润增长点。
Part VI gives some suggestion to build a good horizontal tax competition environment. 第六部分:构建良好横向税收竞争环境的建议。
While the driving factors which pressure horizontal competition are the low barriers to entry and exit, the high cost of manufacturing, low concentration ratios, product homogenization and excess capacity. 2. 同业竞争激烈的驱动因素是行业进入和退出壁垒低,厂商数量多,集中度不高,产品同质化,产能过剩。2.进一步认清和发现市场机会。
Further analysis finds that the expenditure preferences of governments in different developing stages are quite different. Besides, revenue reduction caused by horizontal tax competition can be compensated by vertical transfer payment from central government on the whole. 进一步分析发现,处于不同发展水平的地区政府之间的支出偏好是不一样的。另外,从全国范围来看,税收竞争所导致的收入减少可以由来自中央的转移支付来弥补。
This kind of network structure is an open, cross-vertical and horizontal, synthetically extensive complex system, with the horizontal competition among enterprises in different levels and more emphasis on the collaborative operation of supply chain enterprises. 这种网络结构是一种开放的、交叉纵横、综合延伸的复杂系统,它既存在着各层面企业间的横向竞争,更强调供应链上各企业的协同运作。
The financial order has become standard, and the horizontal competition has become furious increasingly. 金融秩序走向规范。同业竞争日趋激烈。
The tendency of financial disintermediation in traditional big enterprise with good quality has been accelerating. Meanwhile the horizontal competition and interest marketization further squeeze the generate profit space of key customers to be stock commercial banks. 传统优质大企业客户金融脱媒趋势加快,同业竞争和利率市场化进一步挤压大客户成为股份制商业银行的创利空间。
The third section describes that the central government plays an important role in the increasingly fierce competition of the local government, and it is urgent and necessary to study the horizontal tax competition in the central perspective. 第三部分介绍了中央政府在愈演愈烈的地方政府税收竞争中起到的重要作用,阐述了在中央视角下研究我国横向税收竞争的紧迫性和必要性。
Various measure and positive encouragement should be adopted to lead amateur athletic train to diversified direction development, from single role to various powers, and enhance the horizontal competition, cooperation, and the lengthways connect, finally form multitude and stereoscopic amateur training network. 应该采取多种措施,积极鼓励和引导业余训练向多元化方向发展,并加强横向竞争、合作,以及强化纵向链接,最终形成多元化、立体化的业余训练网络。